29 DECEMBER 1973, page 5

Museum Charges

Sir: Now that entrance charges, it seems, are indeed to be imposed on National Museums from January I. National Heritage is quickly mounting the detailed research into the......

Students And Politics

Sir: Mr Paul Barry's criticisms (December 8) of the article by Dr Rhodes Boyson appear to resolve themselves into pedantic disputation about the meaning of the phrase 'political......

Satisfied Customer ,

Sir: Perhaps it was natural that I should not rush to praise your chief book reviewer, Mr Richard Luckett, before he had fairly established himself. However, now that he has......

Abinger Forester

Sir: May I make one tiny comment on JIM. Stewart's very generous review of the Abinger Edition Howards End and The Manuscripts of Howards End? (December 8). The deprivation to......

School Ban

Sir: I want to protest that just because Schoolboy Rising by Nigel Foxell, is a novel about Aldenham, the Head master has banned it from School Library. Though published by a......

The Goatleys

Sir: Two interesting points arise from Dr John Linklater's account of the Goatley family (December 1). What, in his professional opinion, is the likely effect on the Goatley......

Sir: Dr Linklater . 's Sad Tale Of The Goatley Family...

1) is only the epitome of the demoralisation of the British people by welfare gone mad. The general loss of self-reliance and personal pride consequent upon the post-war......