29 FEBRUARY 1908, page 17

China And Christianity.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin,—May I add a remark on the subject of your recent interesting article (Spectator, February 15th) ? Surely it is a- pity that the......

Fair Play For The Priests.

[To THR EDITOR OF TER "EPECTATOR. " 1 SIR,—The letter of your anonymous correspondent last week in comment on mine resolves itself (omitting the question of my personal motives)......

Mr. Meredith's Modernism.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—In your reference to Mr. Meredith's birthday (Spectator, February 15th) you suggest one peculiarity in the work of our greatest living......

The Theatre.

THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Szn,—May I thank you for opening your jounial to some criticisms on the theatre ? I am sure that many of your readers who are interested in the......

The London County Council And The Poor Law.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THZ " SPECTATOR:1 Si,—The County Council, in reply to a request for their opinion, has suggested to the Royal Commission the abolition of Boards of Guardians......