29 JANUARY 1937, page 3

It Appeared From The Debate-as Well As From Sir Samuel's

refusal to answer questions put to him by Sir Stafford Cripps and Captain Ernest Evans that the Committee of Civil Servants to whom the cases of the dismissed men were referred......

On The Opposition Side The Best Speech Of The Evening

was made by Sir Stafford Cripps. In view of the trial to which this honourable .and learned member seems likely to be subjected at no distant date by the executive of his own......

Mr. Runciman In America The Fact That Mr. Walter Runciman,

who is visiting the United States, postponed his departure from Washing. ton by a day, suggests that his conversations with President Roosevelt and Mr. Cordell Hull concerning a......

• A Similar Clash Between The Principles Of National...

and the rights of public opinion to control public policy developed on Tuesday night when the Opposition brought up the ease of five employees dismissed from the dockyards. I......

Emigration Difficulties Mr. Malcolm Macdonald's...

emigration is to be discussed at the forth- coming Inwerial Conference is more satisfactory than anything the Dominions Secretary was able to say in the two days' debate on •the......

The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...

Govern. Merit's decision to drop its project of an aircraft factory near Maidenhead • was universally welcome: That a Ministry which is now devoting special attention to the......

' Nothing Sir Samuel Hoare Or Mr. Baldwin Said In

the debate on the dockyard dismissals on Tuesday will dispel the uneasiness the action of the Admiralty has created. It is something that the Cabinet was kept apprised of......