29 JULY 1905, page 1

Weekly Custom, Had Gone To The Mosque Near Yikliz Kiosk,

and was about to return, when an iron box full of dynamite was dropped from a carriage about a hundred yards off, and exploded, killing seventeen persons and injuring a hundred......

The Report Of The Special Committee Appointed By The Swedish

Parliament to consider relations with Norway has been presented, and seems to be a moderate and reasonable document. The Committee start from the assertion that the Union has......

We Never Remember An Incident, Obviously Important, The...

of which has been so obscure. The meeting was either resolved upon at a moment ' s notice, or it was designedly prepared in profound secrecy. The Czar evidently kept the project......

T He Diplomatic World Has This Week Been Surprised And A

little startled by a meeting between the German Emperor and the Czar in the Finnish harbour of Bjoerkoe, in the Baltic, which took place at midnight on Sunday, the 23rd inst.,......

The Congress Of Delegates From The Zemstvos Held At Moscow

has dispersed after a speech from Prince Peter Dolgoroukoff in which that leader recommended that as it was hopeless to expect a satisfactory Constitution from above, the......