29 JULY 1972, page 24

Loyal Ulster

Sir: If the most recent events in Northern Ireland have done nothing else, they may have made it possible for the English young to be prepared to consider the situation in the......

Sir: I Wondered What Your Next Northern Ireland Proposals...

be, after your long-advocated perfect solution showed itself beyond a shadow of a doubt to be an unmitigated failure, leaving the situation even worse than before. (If that was......


Sir: Mr Maudling's departure from the Cabinet is sad for additional reasons to the ones you state. First, because he is by nature unfanatical. At a time when pro and anti......

Axe To Grind

Sir: In his review (The Spectator, July 15, 1972), Professor Donoghue observes: "If Blake failed in that enterprise, Dr Leavis cannot hope to succeed, but something may still be......


Sir, — Thought-provoking is what Benny Green's article on bestsellers (July 15) certainly, and most agreeably, is. After doing my book about them I had meant to stop . brooding......