29 JUNE 1951, page 18

- Is War Likely?

SIR.—In reply to Mr. Ensor, it is not mere " wishful thinkin g " that makes some of us refuse to re g ard war as inevitable, but the sense that, by adoptin g that attitude, we......

In The Garden The First Dish Of Outdoor Strawberries Has

come in from the g arden. This is always a si g n that the summer wealth is about to flow. Already raspberries are ready for nettin g , and red currants takin g on that pallor......

In The Orchards The Trees Now Are Bi G With Fruit,

in spite of the bad season durin g the flowerin g time. At the moment it looks as thou g h the dark cherries, such as Early Rivers, will be the more abundant. My own favourite,......

Country Life

" CHERRY RIPE " will soon be the cry, for the orchards of Kent are fillin g up with the caravans of the nomad pickers. We hear bursts of hoarse son g , ar g uments at midni g......

Jewish Children In London

8,a,—Janus's comments on the care of Jewish children in the East End of London contains one serious error. Many Jewish mothers in that area and in nei g hbourin g districts do......

Hay-making The Farmers Are Hard Put To It Now, Br

hay-makin g is also in pro g ress. It is the first harvest of the year, and the most fra g rant. All holidays, all childhoods, all sweet idlenesses are comprised in that crushed......

Leaven In The Schools Set.—dr. Lewis's G Rim Application...

law to public schools will be endorsed by many people's experience of seein g the leaven depressed by the dou g h. But cookery is also an art, and I have no doubt that bread......

The Gypsies List Year A Caravan Of Semi- G Ypsies Worked In

our near orchard. One of them had a sick baby, and for the first week or two we were busy' telephoning for doctors, makin g arran g ements with the hospital, and then en q......