29 JUNE 1991, page 25

Much Chided

Sir: Jeffrey Bernard amiably chides me for having omitted (Books, 8 June) Auden's description of himself as a `wedding cake left out in the rain'. Had I been unwell, perhaps?......

Letters Striking Poverty

Sir: I read Vicki Woods' article (`My African baby', 11 May) with a mixture of concern and empathy. Concern, because we depend on people like her. Empathy, because we try to......

Name Calling

Sir: Mr Andrew Gimson (Politics, 8 June) says that in the last Tory leadership elec- tion he `supported Mr Hurd on the jejune grounds [among others] that he was the only Tory......

Asking For More

Sir: I am writing to you on behalf of myself and my female friends and relatives to thank you for printing Auberon Waugh's marvellous piece on women who ask for it, (Another......

Oeufs Is Oeufs

Sir: Jeanne Strang (Letters, 1 June) attacks Mr Kelly's chauvinism over the question of British food produce as opposed to French food produce. She alleges that English eggs are......