29 MARCH 1879, page 2

The Times' Correspondent At Paris Reports A Remarkable...

of M. Grevy's, soon after his accession to office,—that it is usually the duty of the Government to act on the view of the majority of the Legislature, but that now and then, a......

A Very Curious Incident Has Interrupted The Discussion...

Chelmsford. A despatch has been published from him, dated March 9th, asking the Government to send out a Major- General competent to succeed him, and also to succeed to Sir......

Yesterday Week The Alsace-lorraine Deputies Pleaded In...

Berlin for an independent administration of their provinces, and against the abuses caused by the Central Government at Berlin, and one of them even went so far as to suggest......

Yesterday Week, In Reply To The Duke Of Somerset, Who

put a question, accompanied, of course, by caustic remarks, as to the intentions of the Government in relation to Cyprus, and espe- cially, to the harbour of Famagosta, the......

Mr. E. Stanhope, Very Late On Thursday Night, Made A

most serious proposition. He asked, on behalf of the Government,. that borrowing powers of ten millions should be granted to the India Office, alleging BA the reason that the......

The Zulu Debate In The Commons Began On Thursday, Sir

Charles Dilke making a speech universally acknowledged to be the best he ever delivered,—a splendid indictment of Sir Bartle Frere, whom he accused of breaking a peace which had......

In The Commons, On Tuesday, Sir Charles Mike Raised A

very important debate on Cyprus, reading letters from Cypriotes, which, if they can be trusted, appear to show that the English Administration is, in some respects, even more......