29 MARCH 1924, page 16

Extracts From Letters.

COULD SPEKE RETURN.—" Scipio Africanus " writes " The article ' Could Speke Return,' in your issue of March 15th, shows rather clearly the rapidity with which things in Africa......

Mr. Coppard, Mr. Bullett, And Katherine Mansfield.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —I have not suggested anything so foolish as the notion that the subjective and objective methods in literature can be entirely divorced.......

Djem And The Knights Of Rhodes.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Reading " The Last Crusade " in Mr. Asquith's Studies and Sketches, I find the following statement :—" The conqueror of Constantinople,......

Britain And America.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have just read a letter from C. B. Wingate, of Durham, California, which I am sure is an exaggeration of conditions on the Pacific......

Late Redwings In London.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—On Monday of last week, March 17th, I saw a flock of redwings in St. James's Park. This is the latest date onwhich I have ever seen these......


MADEMOISELLE RICHARDE. BESIDE the haunted lake where Nereids seem Court ladies in a dark transfigured dream, Who were perfected in their glacial chill By Mademoiselle Richarde,......