29 NOVEMBER 1924, page 36

Pandora Lifts The Lid: By C. Morley And Don Mar Q Uis.

( Cape. is. 6d. net.) Towards the end of the first decade of the present century a small boy was observed in a fit of severe abstraction. On inquiry by his parents as to the......

Tales Of Intrigue 'and • Revenge. By Stephen Mekenna. ,...

7s. 6d. net.)—Mr. McKenna's first story is called " The Acid Test," and should so trying a test be applied to the whole collection, it must be confessed that it would not prove......

Other Novels

Colonel M . A Romance. By Arthur Fetterless. (Wm. Blackwood. 7s. 6d. net.)—The hero of this story—a soldier of fortune—is 'kidnapped by mistake and conveyed by aeroplane to the......


ON TELLING A STORY Adolphe. By Benjamin Constant. New translation by Paul Hookham. (Philpot. 10s. 6d. net.) Serena Blandish, or The Difficulty of Getting Married. By a Lady of......

It Is A Truism To Say That Mr. Squire's Stories

of Grub Street' are both gracefully and entertainingly written. The penulti- mate and the last have a grim irony in them which will appeal to the more cynical 'othis readers.......

The Fourteenth Key. By Carolyn Wells. (putnam: 7s. 6d:...

extremely ingenious Ameriean detective story. TO say anything descriptive of the plot would-reveal the secret of the mystery to. the reader.......