29 NOVEMBER 1980, page 15

Claiming Fame

Claiming fame Sir: Mr Chancellor writes that Bradfield may not be the perfect public school (Notebook, 8 November). Might I suggest that Winchester College be considered for......

General Mistakes

Letters General mistakes Sir: May I comment on Max Halstings's review of John Terraine's most recent book (22 Novenl-ber)'? For two years I was editor of a lengthy and detailed......

Getting It Right

Getting it right Sir: Peter Jenkins's point about Henry Fairlie (22 November) is well taken, but when he says that H.L. Mencken 'liked to boast that he had wrongly predicted the......

Peoples And Nations

Peoples and nations Sir: What is wrong with trying to explain Britain's present by its past (Eric Christiansen reviewing Christopher Hill, 15 November)? As any economist knows,......

Fine Error

Fine error Sir: In your issue of 22 November (Postscript, 'Fine art') Mr Patrick Marnham wrote a misleading piece about Algardi's bust of Monsignor Antonio Cerri. This......

More Responsible?

More responsible? Sir: Eric Christiansen refers to Bayfield. Tewkesbury and Bainham (18 October), and says that it was 'he [Sir Thomas More] who had them arrested, interrogated,......

The Great Flood

the Great Flood ,i -. v NlOVWhat a narrowN' ieW VoUr Notebook (8 fdnib er) takes of the GLC's Thames rg v Publicity The niame ElizLbeth on the ldo11 featurcd in this vears GLC......