29 NOVEMBER 1997, page 75

Solution To 1336: Collector's Item

' P U 11 I' S %PHI lir U 2 E BMW Orarri derrirl ' a 0 FM R rill R RNA I "In © Mt EMI l af Illirl 1 El apirrild A rilinrin °' A MP il 6 0 PERI El nrill VII I rillerim EIPOH ° C 0......


W. & J . GRAHAM'S 1339: Kit by Columba A first prize of £30 and a bottle of Graham's Late Bottled Vintage 1991 Port for the first correct solution opened on 15 Decem ber, with......

Isle Of

i SINGLE MALT 5 010 ' 11 w r flISX1 . . COMPETITION ISLE OF u RA SINGLE MALT SCOTCH %ASV Start and finish Jaspistos IN COMPETITION NO. 2010 you were given an opening and a......

No. 2013: Boring, Boring, Boring

You are invited to supply a poem (maxi- mum 16 lines) listing the things in life that you find most boring. Entries to `Competition No. 2013' by 11 December.......