29 NOVEMBER 2008, page 30

Diplomatic Bag

Sir: Michael Nicholson’s story of a boat-owner finding contraband aboard from the previous owner (Letters, 22 November) reminded me of being compromised in Paris. As leader of a......

Number Crunching

Sir: The figures for national insurance that you published in your leading article (22 November) are incorrect. Unfortunately, employees have not paid a rate of 4.85 per cent on......

Best Of The Beeb

Sir: As one of the apologists for the BBC cited by Robert Solomon (Letters, 15 November), I must confess that I did indeed fail to pick up on Mrs Finching’s crude speculations......

In Praise Of Low Life

Sir: Jeremy Clarke describes himself (Low Life, 22 November) as the worst hack in the history of British journalism. Can I assure you that in our opinion he is the finest......

Not The Same Book

Sir: I do not seem to have read the same book as Philip Zeigler (Books, 15 November) although both title and author — My Three Fathers by Bill Patten — are identical. I read a......

The Grand Old Party

Sir: Theodore Dalrymple (Global Warning, 15 November) is not alone in being annoyed by incomprehensible acronyms. A perfect example appears on the page facing his article. There......

His Eyes Deceive Him

Sir: Although Charles Moore’s supposed spotting of Oleg Deripaska in the Wolseley last week (The Spectator’s Notes, 22 November) provides a fascinating insight into Mr Moore’s......

Prussian Paradox

Sir: Taki from time to time likes to dwell on the brilliance of the Prussian officer corps (High Life, 22 November); a fair enough point, and one which it is difficult for......