2 APRIL 1904, page 13

Have Been Greatly Interested In Reading The Corre-...

the above subject in your last two issues, and as an elementary teacher in a London school I feel I must reply to your correspondent of March 19th in the same profession. In......

That . : _ Teaching ; In Elementary Schools Offers An...

well - educated ladies. I will giye the eareef of one of these as a specimen of what may be accomplished by any intelligent and hard-working girl. My young friend left an......

Sie, — May I; As An Elementary-school Teacher, Be-...

entire approval of the letter on this subject in • the Spectator - of March 12th, and' to give my reasons for feeling*-that your correspondent,." An Elementary Teacher," who .......

Sin, — Without Going Into The Question Of The Relative...

and disadvantages of elementary-school teaching as a profession, I should like to call attention to an anomaly that exists in the case of teachers trained for secondary schools......