2 AUGUST 1884, page 20

[to The Editor Of The "spectator." ] Silton Churchyard,...

than sixty years ago, I remember thie inscription on a very old stone "Here lies a piece of Christ, A Star in dust, A vein of gold, A china dish that must Be used in Heaven When......


FRANCIS BEAUMONT.* WREN, at the end of the eighteenth century, men began to turn from the merely decorative elements in poetry, and in seeking for what was of passionate human......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

Sra,—Amongst so many more or less pathetic epitaphs, you will not refuse to admit their antidote and good business-like one, from Ashover Church :— " This Tablet is here placed......

A Correction.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] ' Slit, — While thanking your reviewer for his kindly notice of my book "Di Fawcett," and confessing to a certain amount of nebulosity on......

• [to The Editor Of The "spectator?']

SIB,—The late Colonel Chester, to whom all present and future genealogists will be for ever indebted, gave me" the following epitaph, and I much doubt if it has ever had the......