2 AUGUST 1890, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE " smash " at Buenos Ayres, which has been expected for the last six weeks—cipher codes for announcing the assassination of the President to Stock Exchange specu- lators,......

The Adjourned Debate On The Cession Of Heligoland Was...

yesterday week by a division in which Mr. Glad- stone and the Front Bench of Opposition did not take part. There voted for the second reading of the Bill 209, and against it......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


On Monday Night, Mr. Gladstone Asked Leave To Make A

personal explanation as to his statement in 1870, in answer to a question from Sir John Hay, that if it should be proposed to cede territory in Gambia to the French, he had no......

The News From Central America Continues Conflicting, But...

obvious that Guatemala is not to have it all her own way in her attempt to force San Salvador to join the proposed Federal Union. On Monday it was:reported that a revolt had......

The Fighting At First Was So Favourable To The Rebels,

that it seemed as if the overthrow of the Government, and its dangerous and perhaps corrupt financial policy, was assured. Europe, therefore, was astonished to learn on......