2 AUGUST 1968, page 30

Belt Up

Sir: Some years ago an acquaintance retailed to me an incident that occurred while he was driving home from a dinner party. As I recall, he fell asleep and the car hit a tree.......

Homosexuality Without Cant

Sir: It would be highly conducive to clarity of thought and to amity in argument if corre- spondents, as well as the author of the original article (Simon Raven, 14 June), would......

Boys And Girls Come Out To Vote

Sir: There is something wrong with Mr Bruce- Gardyne's political arithmetic (26 July). The average Scottish constituency has 50,000 electors, of whom about 40,000 vote.......

In Defence Of The Monarchy

Sir: Norman St John-Stevas, in his routine essay on the monarchy (SPECTATOR, 26 July), ignores what could well prove one day to be its most vital function. If the House of Lords......

Hardy Annual

Sir: I am surprised that Mr Seymour-Smith had time to step into Max Gate (19 July), as his sneer at the Thomas Hardy Festival is so riddled with inaccuracies his nearest viewing......

Old Hat

Sir: Frances Donaldson's review of the two reprinted Michael Arlen books contains a surprising sentence. `The spread of education may not have done much for world peace but it......

Cruises: The Bill Of Fare

Sir: Can any reader inform us if any of the cruise ships referred to in your issue of the 26 July, have any accommodation for non- smokers? When the `Great Eastern' sailed with......