2 DECEMBER 1960, page 4

Mac's Merger

ACCORDING to Lord Lambton, writing last week in the Evening Standard, the Prime Minister told American correspondents in the course of an off-the-record meeting that 'nothing......

The Best Deterrent

F- one-tenth of the energy expended during the past ten years on campaigns for more and better hanging and flogging had been concen- trated on the obvious problem of a dwindling......

Outside The Gates

W 1TH so much attention being paid to using a prisoner's period of punishment —his gaol sentence—to equip him for a life in which he will not be tempted to break the law again,......

Opening Time

U NIFORMITY in pub closing hours — according to Sir Frank Soskice, the Opposition spokes • man on the Licensing Bill —' is highly desirab le to prevent would-be drinkers dashing......

D Oy Thomson Was Beginning To Get A Name For

being an enlightened newspaper pro- prietor—at least by the standards currently pre- vailing. Word had it that the employees of the recently deceased Empire News were getting......

Beat The Sneezers

'CI AN it be,' Barbara Wootton asks in her criticism of the Ingleby Report in our pages this week, 'that the British really hate and fear the young? ' By contrast with other......