2 DECEMBER 1966, page 13

Dr Balogh And The Third World

Stu,—In the first paragraph of their letter (Novem- ber 25) Messrs Streeten and Hill write of Dr Balogh and myself that 'both regard themselves as un- orthodox and......

Sir.—a Good Many St Georges Have Had A Go At

Freud. The old fellow refuses to die, however: kill him in therapeutics, and he awkwardly reappears to provide the key to a whole section of primate biology. It may well be that......

The Rhodesian Dilemma

L _1 ER, .1 L From: Mrs Diana Spearman, Professor P. T Bauer, Dr Charles Rycroft, Dr Alex Comfort. Martin Turnell, C. B. Cox, Hugo Young, Gordon Hausmann and Michael Hunter. S......

Brophy And Brigid

SIR,—Morals apart, lady novelists who advocate masturbation, gentlemen novelists who support them ('not only harmless but positively desirable) and readers who read them might......

The Great Freudian Hoax?

SIR,—In his review of Psychoanalysis Observed (November 25). Dr William Sargant attributes to me three opinions which are not to be found in my introductory contribution and......