2 FEBRUARY 1878, page 2

In The Speech At The Dinner, Mr. Gladstone Remarked On

the curious fact that the Oxford Conservatives hold bya Canning Club, which they oppose to the new Palmerston Club, though Lord Palmerston was himself a follower of Canning, and......

The Khedive Has Ordered An Inquiry Into The Realities Of

Egyptian revenue, obviously as a prelude either to the "suspen- sion of the service of the Debt," or to a demand that the creditors shall accept less interest on their bonds.......

Sir Michael Hicks-beach Has Accepted The Colonial...

the place of Lord Carnarvon, and it is, we should imagine, not unlikely that Mr. Plunket may be offered the Irish Secretary- ship, vacant by Sir Michael Beach's transfer to the......

To Mr. Forster Replied Mr. Cross, Who Described The...

that there was a war party in the Government as due to a "lying spirit" abroad in the land. He got very warm indeed about the " sham " vote of credit, insisted that it was a......

On Thursday Mr. W. E. Forster Moved A Resolution, Affirming

that as the conditions which the Government had laid down had not been infringed by either belligerent, and as no information had been received sufficient to justify a departure......

The Reports That The Austrian Government Is Dissatisfied...

terms of peace gain strength. It is affirmed that Count .Andrassy holds them equivalent to the extinction of the Turkish Empire in Europe, and objects especially to the......

Oxford Had A Gala-day On Wednesday To Institute A New

Liberal Club, called the Palmerston Club, and occasion was taken of it to present Mr. Gladstone previously with an address at the- Corn Exchange, and get a speech out of him.......

The Remainder Of The Debate Was Not Important. Sir Wilfrid

Lawson amused the House by saying, "If a man shakes his sword in my face, I call him a barbarian ; if he shakes his fist in my face, I call him a bully ; if he shakes his purse......