2 FEBRUARY 1907, page 13

England And Egypt.

170 TUE EDITOR OF TRH .SPEOTATOR-1 SIE,—A few days ago I received a letter from a young relative who is in the service of the Egyptian Government. He writes from some place on......

Should Like To Echo The Sentiments Expressed In Your Issue

of January 12th by Mr. J. L. Roberts that it will be a scandal to Wales if Owen Glyndwr's prison-bones at Carrogis destroyed. The prospect of this has been imminent for months,......

Tfie Indian Mussulmans.

[To TEE EDITOlt OE TUE Sracriaon. - .1 Sra,-When the Times describes the Indian Mussulmans as a homogeneous race with a common language, one need not be . surprised if people......

Prayer-book Revision.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE ..SPECTAT011.1 Suk—May I reply briefly P I quite agree with your plea that the ministry of the Church of England should be open to men of the views of......

Ito Tint Editor Of Spectator:9 Sir,—i Have Observed A Letter

in the Spectator of January 12th referring to the proposed destruction of Owain Glyndwr's prison.house, commonly known as " Carchardy Owain." I should be willing to subscribe......