2 JULY 1853, page 9

Furtigu Gull Eninuial.

FRANCE. — Paris still occupies itself with the East, and news is but scanty. On Thursday the Emperor reviewed the troops at Satory in the presence of the Empress and the Duke......

'fir Vronium.

At Stroud, on Tuesday, Mr. Herman enjoyed an unopposed election; Mr. Merewether Turner having withdrawn, and no other candidate coming forward. One of the chief points in Mr.......


Five candidates were nominated, on Monday, for the two vacancies in the representation of the county of Clare,—the late Members, Sir John Fitzgerald and Mr. Cornelius O'Brien,......


The Earl of Dalkeith was elected on Saturday, without opposition, as Member of Parliament for the county of Edinburgh. He explained the phrase used in his address, "large and......


The death of Dr. Faussett, Margaret Professor of Divinity at the Uni- versity of Oxford, leaves not only the Professorship vacant but a Canonry of Christchurch. The election,......