2 JULY 1904, page 11

One Of The Most Extraordinary Disappearances Of Recent...

last week on the Kaiser Wilhelm IL' Mr. Kent Loomis, the brother of the Assistant State Secretary of the United States, was travelling to Paris, carrying a treaty from his......

Rule Flag :—

Lord Rosebery on Saturday last made an unusually decided speech to a great audience of miners assembled for a festival in the grounds of Lord Durham's residence, Lambton Castle.......

We Have Always Thought It Probable That Mr. Chamberlain's...

of Protection would end in Home-rule. A leading article in Thursday's Daily Telegraph on the secession of the Unionist Free-traders from the Liberal Union Club gives a......

On Wednesday A Meeting Of The Liberal Union Club Was

held at the Hotel Metropole to consider the question of sending delegates to the new Liberal Unionist organisation founded by Mr. Chamberlain,—a body founded, in fact if not in......

Except The Army Debate, The House Of Commons Has

• during the week done little but discuss the Licensing Bill, On Wednesday, however, Mr. Balfour gave notice of a Resolution "guillotining" the discussion of the Bill in sec-......

Before Leaving The Subject Of The Debate Raised By Mr.

Beckett, we must note the very grave facts adduced by him to justify his Motion. He declared that the shortage in the Army amounted to eighteen thousand men, and contended that......

The Chertsey By-election—the Polling Day Is Next...

great deal of interest through- out the country. The Ministerialists, though they are straining every nerve, have clearly no great confidence that they will be able to keep the......

Consols (21 Per Cent.) Were On Friday 90i.
