2 JUNE 1838, page 9


SATURDAY. London was agitated the whole of sesterday by the reports of dis. turbances of a serious description, oely quelled with a dreadful loss of life, which have occurred in......

Mr. Filancis Baring Obtuined Leave To Bring In A Bill

"for the pro- visional governmeto of Britiell settlements in the island,: of New Zea- heti," after a division, hi which the numbers were 74 and '23. The bill subsequently......

The "concession" Which The Tories Are Willing To Make In

return for the abandonment of the " Appropriation," and which sonic of the Whig newspapers glorified very much, turns out to be precisely of the description we have given of it......

The Quarterly Average Of The Weekly Lialelities And...

the Bank of England, from the 6th March to the '2.9th May—.• The quarterly average of the weekly lialelities and ussets of the Bank of England, from the 6th March to the '2.9th......

Accounts From Spain, Received Through Paris This Morning,...

numerous desertion* from the Carnet army, and that the people generally are sick of the war. Perhaps, as the season for farming operations is at band, the deserters are only......