2 MARCH 1918, page 2

An Enemy Raider, The ' Wolf,' Returned To Kiel Last

Sunday after a fifteen months' cruise in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, bringing four hundred prisoners and a cargo of booty. She is presumed by the Admiralty to have......

Count Herding Expressed A Platonic Adherence To President...

principles of peace, based on justice and the rights of nationalities. He then went on to defend the shameless German conquests in Russia as crusades to rescue peoples oppressed......

There Are, We Know, Several Labour Leaders Besides Mr....

who thoroughly understand that the tepid creed of internationalism and its various cognate sets of principles have no attraction for the British working man. Those leaders......

Mr. Barnes, Speaking In The House On Tuesday With Regard

to the bonus to munition workers, liberated his soul as a real working man speaking to his comrades. He said that, whether the bonus cost fourteen or forty millions, it would be......

Our Losses Of Merchantmen By Mine Or Torpedo Were Again

very serious last Reek. Fourteen large vessels over 1,600 tons and three smaller vessels were sunk, as compared with ten large and three small vessels in the previous week. We......

Another Uneventful Week Has Passed On The Western Front. In

one successful trench raid on the French front south of Leon American volunteers are reported to have played a useful part. While the troops are apparently inactive, the airmen......

Baron Sonnino, The Italian Foreign Minister, Made An...

in the Chamber on Saturday last in reply to Count Herding and Count Czernin. He disavowed Imperialist aims, and declared that Italy's " demands as regards Austria-Hungary......

Mr: Balfour In The House Of Commons On Wednesday Exposed

the hollowness of Count Hertling's speech by comparing his pro- fessions with his practice. Taking the question of Belgium as a touchstone of German sincerity, Mr. Balfour......

General Allenby Continued His Advance Through The Rough...

east of Jerusalem and occupied the village of Jericho on Thursday week. The London Territorials had two days of hard fighting among the rocky defiles before the Australian and......