2 MAY 1835, page 8

Royal Society.

The Society resumed their meetings on Thursday, April 30th. The Reverend R. JENNINGS., V.P., in the Chair. Dr. Richard Taunton, Colonel Sir Robert John Ilervey, Joseph.......

Rourical Caricatures.

HB has sketched a clever and most amusing political parody of EDWIN LANDSFER'S admirable picture of a "Jack in Office." Jack is, of course, Lord John Russell ; who makes a sleek......

The Chronicle This Morning Explains The Mystery Of The...

change in the politics of the Times- " The change has certainly been a most shameless one ; but if it be true that the property in that journal has been sold for a valuable......


S A TUB DA Y. In our account of Election Movements, will be found a report of yesterday's proceedings at Exeter on the nomination of the candidates for South Devonshire. We are......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 211111 alt., at Tablay rouse, Chealtiz the Rig' t lion. Ludy me TADLEY, of a son alba heir. On the 22d ult., at Nt rton Cooyers, Yorkshire, Lady GRAHAM, of a son.......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCIIAAIOE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. As has been tie case for some time past, the English Fonda do not offer any subject for remark. Nloney has, however, been less abundant than......

East India Shipping.

Arrived-At Gravesend. April 28th, Theodosia. Ryan, from Mauritius; and Minerra, Robertson, from Sin g apo:e. At Deal, 28th, Duke of Ileilferd. Bowen. from ileugal; and Malabar.......