2 MAY 1868, page 2

The Secretary For India On Friday Se'nnight Introduced...

for the improvement of Indian administration. They are not bad in their way, but he seems to have yielded to pressure. By the first he takes power to make of Bengal a separate......

Lord Elcho, Too, Who Insisted On Speaking (literally At The

eleventh hour) on Thursday night just before Mr. Gladstone's reply, seemed to have at least as much desire to smile as to speak. He spoke about half-an-hour, and smiled,......

Mr. Wyld's Bill For Creating Financial County Boards Was On

Wednesday referred to a committee. This Bill is in principle the most radical recently introduced, for it transfers the control of county finance from the gentry to the......

Almost The Only Able And Lively Speech (before Mr....

of the week's rather dismal and spiritless Irish debate was Mr. Horsman's on Monday night. He showed that the Liberals have never really had the power to legislate on the Irish......

There Is Evidently A Very Serious Idea Of Asking Parliament

for an Irish establishment for the Prince of Wales. It is asserted, we believe with truth, that his residence in the island for a few months in every year is much desired by......

Certainly The Most Fantastic Speech Of The Debate Was Made

on Tuesday night by Lord Royston, M.P. for Cambridgeshire, eldest son of the Earl of Hardwicke,—the same man who, in conjunction with his noble father, made so hopeless an......

The Ministry Have Gained Two Important Elections—the...

Bristol and East Kent. At Bristol, Mr. S. Morley, the well known Radical, and a member of the Liberation Society, has been defeated by Mr. Miles after a very hot contest, in......

This Attempt Of Lord Derby To Set First The Queen

and the Commons quarrelling, and then the Commons and the Lords, by predicting " irreconcilable variance," and to arrogate to himself the duty of advising the Ministers to......

Prince Humbert Of Italy Was Married At Turin On The

22nd ult. The most marked incident connected with the event has been the contrast between the reception given to the Prince of Prussia, who is no connection of the House of......

Since Marshal Narvaez's Death, Senor Gonsalvez Bravo, A...

reckless of blood as the Marshal, but without his political ability, has been appointed Premier of Spain. It is believed that he will advise his mistress to abolish even the......