2 MAY 1903, page 16


THE NEW GALLERY. THE best pictures in the present Exhibition are the land- scapes. This is an unusual circumstance, and also one for congratulation. Too often the landscapes to......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator-1 Sir,—your Interesting...

the Spectator of April 18th on the potentialities of an Irish Sir Walter concludes by quoting the famous saying of Fletcher of Saltoun about ballads, and in that connection......

A Corps Of County Guides.

[To Tax EDITOR OF THY “SPECTATOR."1 have watched with much interest the useful corre- spondence which has been going on in your columns on the subject of National Scouts and......

Pto The Editor Op The "spectator:1

SIR, —I think your correspondents have not quite bit the mark as to what is required of an Irish Sir Walter. It is not a guide-book as attractive as " The Lady of the Lake " or......


TO THE WALLFLOWER. Thou halt no pensive charm to show Like those frail children of the snow, Who lift their heads awhile to sigh Their little hour away—and die. Not thine to......