2 NOVEMBER 1850, page 19

Mortality In The Metropolis.

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in•the Metampolis for the week ending an Saturday last: the first column of figured Nerees7die aggregate number of deaths......

On The 27th August, At Bareilly, East Indies, The Wife

of Ilr my Pidcock, Esq., Cinlflerviee, and Commissioner of the Bareilly Division, of a son. On the 30th September, at Government House, Newfoundland, the Lady of his Excellency......

• Pubinations: Iecelved.

Boons. The Defenceless 'State of Great Britain.. , By-Sir Francis B. Head; Bart. History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers. - By'lliehele: Amari. Edited, with - IntrodUction......