2 NOVEMBER 1956, page 16

Hungary Sta,—the Present Tragic Events In Hungary* Cause...

to thousands of defenceless citizens. This Society, in which both Hungarians and Britons of various shades of opinion meet without distinction, has opened a Medical Aid Fund. We......

Political Killing

Sig,-1 believe you will receive in good spirit a protest from a keen and regular reader. Your reference on October 26 under the head 'Political Killing' to 'the Llandudno mob'......

Letters To The Editor

Conscience and Constituents R. L. Travers Political Killing Patrick Campbell Hungary Prof: C. A. Macartney and others Mighty Old Artificer Evelyn Waugh Comprehensive Education......

Dead Sea Scrolls Sir,—mr. Hugh Montefiore, In His Warmly...

review of Mr. J. M. Allegro's 'Pelican' on the Dead Sea Scrolls, pays de- served tribute to its imaginative quality. He remarks that the dust-cover might well have been printed......

Sir,—it Would Be Hind For Any Of Us Who Teach

in grammar schools not to sympathise with Dr. Eric James's plea for the preservation of their sixth forms. It may be true, as Dr. Pedley informs us, that the eleven-plus......

Sanitation On Trains

SIR,—Some five years ago, I wrote to the Lancet pointing out the archaic method used in the lavatories on passenger trains, viz., discharge to the line, and indicating that the......

Sir,—pharos Saluting M. Picasso On His Birth- Day,...

with Yeats. Would not Millais be a happier comparison; the brilliant young draughtsman, who, through his wish to be the 'contemporary of successive generations,' reflected the......

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