2 SEPTEMBER 1916, page 15

What Is A Nassauer ?

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—The gallant performance of 'E23' in torpedoing the `Nassau' Dreadnought reminds me of a story I heard first from a well-known Professor......

The British Women's Patriotic League. (to The Editor Of Tub

SPaCTATOR.1 Srn,—In response to Mr. Hughes's appeal to the representative women of Great Britain, the British Women s Patriotic League have arranged a series of popular lantern......

An Appeal For Belgian Children. [to The Editor Op The

" SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—A Committee has been formed under the honorary presidency of the Duchess of Norfolk to assist the Belgian Society called the Vesdaire Marie-Jose. This Society......

German War Medals.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THY - Sesersvoit.1 Sra,—In The Correspondence of Cray, Walpole, West, and Ashton (1734- 1771), edited by Mr. Paget Toynbee and published last year by the......

Piss De M1chefer.

(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPICTeTOE."1 have not seen this material mentioned in your columns in connexion with cheap dwellings. Ilse de machefer is obtained from clinkers or slag......

The Use Of The Moon In Night Map Work.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPROTATOR.1 Sin,—May I venture to point out to the critic of " military books " in your issue of August 19th that the use of the moon in night map work......

The Study Of Greek.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."' SIB,—In a volume of Missionary Biography, published within the last decade, I find the following reference to Bishop Caldwell, whose " great......

The Salute.,

[To um EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR:I STE,—I do not know who wrote these verses, but they were given to his wife by one whom I was proud to call my son-in-law, and who went down with......

Water-divining At Suvla Bay.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPRCTATOR.."1 SIR,—Recently I received a newspaper from Egypt, sent me with quite other intention, but in looking it through I came across the account I......