2 SEPTEMBER 1955, page 27

The End Of The Line, By Bryan Morgan. (cleaver-hume, 25s.)

THOSE who dream of the miniature trains which England knew and lost can turn to Mr. Morgan's survey of little old trains in the Low Countries, France, Italy, Austria,......

Staffordshire Chimney Ornaments. By Reginald Haggar....

HAGGAR admirably fills the gap left since the publication in 1929 of Herbert Read's Staffordshire Pottery Figures, supplementing our knowledge not only of the more famous......

Other Rec Ent Books

SCO'TLAND. By G. S. Fraser and Edwin Smith. (Thames and Hudson, 42s.) PUBLISHERS, whether of newspapers, maga- zines or hard-cover books, have long recow nised that the British......

The Embattled Philosopher. By Lester G. Crocker. (neville...

CATHERINE THE GREAT, in a letter to Grimm, referred to Diderot as a man who, 'in all things is . . . different from the others.' Inseparable from the Encyclopedists, yet a......

New Novels

KINGSLEY Amis's second novel is happily unlike his first. I say this not from any dislike of the amusing but overlong and quite hysterically overpraised Lucky Jim, but from......