2 SEPTEMBER 1972, page 22

Abolish The Olympics

Sir, — "The Foreign Office hopes fervently that the Olympic authorities will sort out their own muddle" (report in an evening paper last week, referring to opposition to......

Sir; As A Poet And Athlete Who Has Supported The

Games for many years, I was sorry to see that you had felt it necessary (August 26) to demand nothing less than the abolition of the Olympics. I am sure that after reading this......

Sir: Would You Be Interested In Printing A Memorable...

by a BBC news broadcaster in this evening (August 21) 7 pm BBC radio news? Discussing the Rhodesians' chances of being allowed to compete in the Olympics, the newscaster......

The Supernatural

Sir: Mr Blish (August 19) is perfectly entitled to disbelieve in all the evidence of poltergeists and to assume there is not such a thing as telepathy or water divining though......

Sir: The Goat And Witches On The Spectator Cover (august

19) held promise of much worthier fare than was served up for us in Mr Blish's quadruple book review. I gather that Mr Blish's built-in predisposition to discount all that I......

Ugandan Asians

Sir: I am not surprised by the xenophobic response (Letters, August 19) provoked by your attitude towards the expulsions of British Asian citizens in East Africa. The absence of......

Sir: It May Be Our Duty To Help The Ugandan

Asians; it is really necessary to take them in? For India resettlement of these people causes no social problems. Surely with good will on both sides the British government......

From Alderman Cecil F. Baker Sir: I Thoroughly Concur With

the letters from your correspondents Baird, Bond and Baker (no relation) (August 19). However, as is the custom of governments, I am sure that this one will take no heed of the......

The Dockers' Motives

From the Revd W. 1. Bulman Sir: I have bought and read The Spectator for over thirty-five years and I write to congratulate you as the only organ of opinion, so far as I know,......

Big Brother Sir: It Was Kind Of You To Devote

two whole pages to a review of my book on international companies (August 26), particularly since, in your reviewer's opinion, it was a 'trivial and silly little book.' I could,......