30 APRIL 1853, page 10

Mario Has Reappeared At The Covent Garden Opera, Both...

and singing much better than he did during the whole of last season. On Tuesday he performed one of his best parts, Arturo in the Puritani. His welcome was—we must use the......

Trutrro Nth Guir.

4Ithough Mr. Browning's dramatic poem of Colombe's Birthday was re- ceived at the Haymarket with all those outward marks of success which the theatrical world—credulous today,......

Of All The Departments Of Histrionic Art, That In Which

we are least deficient is the department of low comedy,—as the names of Keeley, Buekstone, Compton, Harley, can testify. But Fortune now sends her coals to Newcastle, and we......

A Meeting Held In Dublin On Thursday, Under The Presidence

of the Lord Mayor, to oppose the extension of the Income-tax to Ireland, was very thinly attended. The Manchester Chamber of Commerce has passed a resolution disap- proving of......

Money Market.

STOCK RECHARGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The for Money having only fluctuated between 100 1 and 100i_1. English Funds have shown great steadiness throu g hout the week ; The progress......

A Telegraphic Despatch From Paris, Dated Yesterday,...

press as "no longer in danger from the accident which threatened her health : her Majesty's condition today was altogether satisfactory." The latest accounts from Constantinople......

"the Earth Bath Bubbles As The Water Has, And These

are of them," is a quotation that might be aptly used by any one whksaw the two new farces at the Lyceum, A.S.S. and Fast Train, High Pressure, Express. The old gentleman, who......

The Reign Of Mademoiselle Page At The St. James's Terminates

this week. The ladylike style of her acting, and the effect which a remark- ably expressive countenance gives to her delineation of the softer emo- tions, have diffused a charm......


SATURDAY. At the close of his last speech on the Jewish Disabilities Bill, Lord John Russell prepared us for the treatment which that measure received from the House of Lords......