30 AUGUST 1986, page 18

Low Pejoration

Sir: In his article 'Running a red rag' (The press, 16 August), Paul Johnson likes our intention at News on Sunday to give readers a 'genuine right of reply'. I hope you do at......

Heavenly Charm

Sir: How unkind of the Lamboume vicar (Low life, 9 August) to say Jeffery Bernard was beyond redemption: heaven's charms would be reduced without him when he eventually passes......

Letters The Inhumanity Of Racism

Sir: Dhiren Bhagat's piece 'Race to the top' (23 August) is a travesty of the truth from the title on. I write as an ex-employee of the Institute of Race Relations, now a member......

Paying For De La Warr

Sir: Alan Powers writes (Six seaside litho- graphs, 16 August) that Lord de la Warr paid for his eponymous pavilion at Bexhill- on-Sea. Like hell he did. The city fathers were......

The Spectator

SUBSCRIBE TODAY - At 20% off the Cover Price! Please enter a subscription to The Spectator I enclose my cheque for c (Equivalent $US & Eurocheques accepted) RATES: 12 Months 6......