30 DECEMBER 1960, page 23

Admirable Africans

Kwame Nkrumah and the. Future of Africa. By John Phillips. (Faber, 25s.) Tshekedi Khania. By Mary Benson. (Faber, 30s.) HERE are two books, each by a white South African, each......

Not Only At Dawn

That cock crows all day, He crows all night. Somewhere behind my bed, Somewhere behind my desk. He struts his strip of green, Drums on the laterite, and crows. Any hour is the......

Superficially The Subject Of This Little Book Is An Incident

whose claim to major significance, even within the recent history of British educa- tion, could be challenged: the founding in 1 950 of Keele, or the University College of North......