30 JANUARY 1875, page 1

The Gathering At Lewes, On Wednesday, To Do Honour To

Mr. Dodson, as one of the many county members who was obliged at the last election either to take refuge in a borough or to submit - to defeat, became the occasion of political......

Lord Kimberley And Mr. Goschen Both Made Telling Speeches Of

the studied Moderate Liberal kind, Lord Kimberley ex- pressing his delight at Lord Salisbury's newly-found interest —expressed at Manchester last week—for the reform of our......

News Of The Week.

T IIE Liberal " Whip," Mr. Adam, has issued a notice to the Liberal party stating that having received a requisition from -certain members of it to summon a meeting to consider......

Mr. Bright's Speech At Birmingham On Monday Was Something Of

a disappointment to those who had looked to it as an event likely to exercise a great influence on the choice of the next Liberal leader. He pointedly, and perhaps wisely,......

The French Assembly Is Getting On With Its Task Of

refusing to vote any permanent Constitution. M. Ventavon's proposal to confirm the Septennate and give the Marshal the power of disso- lution is already gone ; and M.......

The Emperor Of China, Toung-chi, Died On The 12th January,

it is stated of small-pox. As, however, he was only attended by a Chinese physician, that is not certain. There is a dispute about the date of his birth, but it is believed that......

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