30 JANUARY 1988, page 44

No. 1510: Valentine

I surrender to the obvious at last. A Valentine, please, of some sort, in the form of a sonnet of some sort. Entries to 'Competition No. 1510' by 12 February.......

Solution To 840: Pieces Of Eight

1 G N 0 ' S S A N A U. , K Y A L I K I N Y S L I N P A D 311 I T _ L . E S. T E T R E M 0_ 4 .0 DMA T * E I N._ AE I A LJ G 11 1. R.0 I SSAI N! T. V....a., R _l_, A .... T ., I......


843: Pen-friends by Doc A first prize of 00 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary'......


Revenant's report Jaspistos I . N Competition No. 1507 you were invited to imagine the written impressions of a famous literary figure returning as a ghost to London after an......