30 JULY 1887, page 1

A Modern Fleet Is Not Simply A Collection Of All

the vessels available for action at a particular moment. Rather it is like an Army Corps, made up of certain necessary constituent parts; and just as the Army Corps wants......

On Saturday Last The Queen Reviewed From The Deck Of

the Royal yacht, if not the most imposing, at any rate the moat formidable Fleet that has ever been assembled. The ships, to the number of 135, consisting of every type and size......

In A Discussion On Sub-seotion 2 Of The Fourth Clause,

Mr. T. Healy was called to order repeatedly by the Chairman of Com- mittees for loudly inviting some Member, whom he accused of interrupting the debate, to get up and say what......

News Of The Week.

T HE Government have proclaimed Ireland generally to be under the provisions of Sub-section 3 of Clause 2 of the Crimes Act,—i.c., so for as regards rioting and unlawful......

The Discussions In Committee On The Irish Land Bill This

week have turned chiefly on Clause 4, which empowers the Court to let a notice given in writing serve the purposes of an actual ejectment, the time during which the tenant can......

The Review Was Marked By One Rather Grotesque Incident,...

the strenuous etignettes of a Court may make important. It appears that Lord Charles Bereeford, who was on the Royal yacht, finding that he was likely to be retained longer than......

E A S The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
