30 JULY 1904, page 2

The News From The Far East Is Still To The

advantage of the Japanese. They are delaying, for reasons of their own, the final assault on Port Arthur, the capture of which becomes daily more important from a political......

The Spaniards Have Had A Sharp Lesson That It Is

not wise to re- establish the brutal scenes of the arena. A fight was arranged. at San Sebastian between a bull and a tiger, and the whole population crowded to see. The beasts,......

Protectionism Does Not Seem To Improve Labour Conditions...

The country is full of strikes, the most im- portant one being directed against the Beef Trust, which raises the price of food, and they are all marked by a savage bitterness......

It Would Appear That The Present Pope Intends To Exert

his spiritual prerogatives to their full extent. In spite of the protest of the French Government, the Bishops of Laval and Dijon have been ordered to present themselves in Rome......

The British Expedition Has Arrived Within Forty-five...

and some of its difficulties seem to be disappearing. The Dalai Lama, indeed, is as determined as ever, the fresh Envoys whom he despatched to Nagartse, some ninety miles from......

M. De Plehve, Often Described As The Autocrat Behind The

Czar, and certainly the grand advocate both of repression and of hostility to the Jews, was on Thursday blown to pieces. He was just on his way to report to the Emperor at......

President Roosevelt Made On July 27th A Speech To The

gentlemen who brought him the formal "notification" of his nomination as Republican candidate which is intended to explain his whole policy. It is still Protectionist, but be......

The French Premier, M. Combes, Delivered Last Sunday An...

speech at Carcassonne. It was a defence of the Republic as administered by M. Loubet and his advisers: After observing that the struggle with the Vatican might favour a......