30 JUNE 1877, page 15

The Ridsdale Judgment.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—My object in writing to you was not to continue the -controversy about vestments, but to protest against the line -taken by some of......

The Liberal Clergy And Ritualism.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR-1 Sin,—Mr. Oakley and Mr. Sargon see in the present ecclesiastical disputes " spiritual conviction and energy in conflict with the secular......

The Bishops And The Public Worship Regula- Tion Act.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEOTATOR.1 Legal opinion by Mr. Herschel], Q.C., and Dr. Phillimore, in the matter of the Public Worship Regulation Act, 1874, sec. 9 :— OPINION. 1 and......

Letters To The Editor.

LIBERAL RELIGIOUS POLICY. [To THE EDITOR OF THE EPEOTATOR."] SIR,—Mr. Davies has carried the controversy between us into a "Larger region, ampler air," than the field where we......