30 JUNE 1990, page 29


Aids myth and reality Sir: Charges of distortion and suppression, levelled against me by Michael Fumento while complaining (`The Aids tyranny', 23 June) that he failed to find a......

Insensitive To Islam

Sir: Ray Honeyford takes me to task for portraying Islam as an entiely sinned- against religion (Letters, 23 June). This is scarcely fair to my article. It is certainly not fair......

Sir: With Reference To Michael Fumento's Article And To The

equally alarming facts given by Paul Johnson in your issue of 5 May, I would like to draw attention to a speech made by a Dr Chin at a conference of the BMA held last month. As......

Sir: As In Recent Years I Have Advised Different Btitish

publishers on the desira- bility of books offered to them about Aids, I know better than most that the picture offered by Michael Fumento of the 'black- listing' of his Myth of......