30 MARCH 1901, page 22

The Story Of The Inter - University Boat - Race. By...

(Grant Richards. 2s.)—We had thought that this subject had been disposed of in previous books. This, however, has the merit of being cheap and giving all the facts in a handy......


Rumania in 1900. By G. Benger. (Asher and Co. 10s. net.) —Mr. A. H. Keane has translated this most useful description of the Danubian State and its trade resources. Indeed, the......

The Complete Works Of John Keats. Edited By H. Buxton

Forman. Vol. IV., Letters, 1814-1819. (Gowan and Gray, Glasgow. 1s. net.)—These letters, it will be understood, do not include those to Fanny Brawne. These are to follow in a......

General Booth. By Jesse Page. (s. W. Partridge. Is. 65.

net.)—This book, one of the "New Century Leaders Series," is, obviously, not one for review. It would lead us i,,to the discussion of many subjects, religious and social, which......

• Songs And Song-writers.

In Songs and Song-Writers (John Murray, 59. net) Mr. Henry T. Finck, the able musical critic of the New York Evening Post, has given us a readable and suggestive volume, -......

A Guide To The Churches Of Chislehurirt. By E. I.

Webb. (G. Allen.)— About eight-ninths of this volume are devoted to the parish church (St. Nicholas). This is as it should be. The ecclesiastical history of the parish centres......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading We notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Jonathan Edwards : a Retrospect. Edited by H. Norman Gar- diner. (Gay......

Catholic Usages, So - Called. By " John Myrc."...

6d.)—This is a seasonable book, written with con- siderable force, humour, and knowledge of the subject. The author's purpose is to expose the folly —we might say worse than......

Is Vhrist Infallible And The Bible True? By The Rev.

Hugh McIntosh, M.A. (T. and P. Clark. 9s.)—It is not easy to define the author's position. He expresses, more than once, admiration for Dr. Robertson Smith (who, it seems, was......