30 MARCH 1945, page 11

Children Without Homes

Sta,—I was much interested in the article on "Children Without Homes" —as the increase of illegitimacy is one of the major home problems of the war. My suggestion to help solve......

War Memorials

Sig.—Most people wil 1 be in sympathy with the idea of war memorials which have a practical as well as a sentimental value. A -great deal of stained glass has been destroyed,......

Coalowners And Coal Plan

SIR, -.-Criticising my recent contribution on the "Foot Plan for Coal" your correspondent "D. B. Marshall" assumes that four state owned coal mines in Holland with an annual......

Sist,—it May Interest Your Readers To Know The Views Of

youth on War Memorials. At the last meeting of our National Members' Council, the members unanimously agreed that War Memorials should take the form of youth hostels, clubs, and......

The San Francisco Conference

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Snt,—I am sorry, but I fear the Duchess of Atholl is just wrong when she writes that "it is only in matters of procedure that the agreement of at least two......