30 MAY 1891, page 2

On Tuesday, Lord Mao Moved The Adjournment Of The House

over the Derby Day, pleading for a - holiday as a holiday after so laborious a Session, and also for an additional day on which the microbes of influenza might perhaps be......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson Opposed The Adjournment Of The House In

honour of a great gambling festival. If there were no gambling, there would be no horse-racing, and the House of Commons ought not to patronise an institution which was......

The Lisbon Correspondent Of The Times Sends An Account Of

Portuguese finance, given him by the new Finance Minister, which just at this moment is of some political importance. According to this statement, the little King- dom is in a......

On The Motion For The Second Reading Of The Customs

and Inland Revenue Bill on Tuesday, Sir W. Harcourt made an elaborate attack on Mr. Gosehen's finance, which was, how- ever, more elaborate than effective. He maintained that......

In The Course Of His Speech, Sir W. Harcourt Took

credit for having spent more on the Army and Navy in one year of his own reigli at the Treasury than any other Government out of the Estimates of the year, to which Mr. Gosohen......

In Reply, Mr. Goschen Pointed Out That, So Far From

its being an innovation to postpone to future years the payment of in- stalments of any considerable capital expenditure, the Govern- ment are now paying year by year the sum......

The Vicar Of North Marston, In Buckinghamshire, Writes To...

Times to say that, though a Liberal Unionist, he is supporting Mr. Leon for North Bucks, because he believes Home-rule to be utterly dead, and hopes that both parties will......