29 MAY 1941, page 13

Letters To The Editor

WHOM ARE WE FIGHTING ? SIR,—You have performed a very great service by raising once again the question " Whom are we Fighting?" and as a German who has been fortunate enough to......

" Christian Civilisation "

SIR,—We often see it stated that we are fighting for the defence of Christian civilisation ; but it seems to me that the meaning of the phrase needs to be brought home to the......

Sir,—your Leading Article, " Whom Are We Fighting,"...

a useful purpose in clarifying thought on the problems victory will bring. Germany presents a psychological problem, and its solution must be psychological. You warn us against......

Clever But Poor

Sin,—When the President of the Board of Education is formulating his plans for educational advance, I hope that he will give his atten- tion to the fate of many of the most......