30 OCTOBER 1875, page 1

The King Of Bavaria Has Not Only Refused To Receive

the address which his Chamber passed by a majority of three, but has adjourned , t;iis Parliament to the firstweek in January. Then it will reassemble, the Ministry will not be......

The Speech . Of M. Germain, Deputy For Mn, And A

wealthy financier of most moderate opinions, is almost as important as that of M. Gambetta. M. Germain tells his constituents that M. Buffet has not put himself at the head of......

Sir Henry James Made A Very Able Speech At Taunton

on Tuesday, to many parts of which, and especially that on the Fugitive-Slave Circular, we have drawn our readers' attention at some length elsewhere. For the rest, Sir Henry......

Sir Stafford Northcote Made A Speech At Ilfracombe On...

in which he laboured very hard to show that the worst featura in his Friendly Societies' Act was a beauty, and not a disfigure- ment. To the main thread of his argument we......

News Of The Week.

GAMBETTA has issued, in the form of a letter to the 111.• Liberals at Lyons, a most important manifesto. He do- 'dares that the Constitution, though received by all France with......

The German Parliament Was Opened On The 27th Inst., The

Speech from the Throne being read by the President of the Chancellerie, Herr von Delbriick, as the Emperor is confined to his room by a cold. It contains few points of interest,......

** ** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...
