30 OCTOBER 1982, page 20

Sir: As A Chester Square Habitue I Assure Gore Vidal

that not all of us embrace Madame's goings-on. Malcolm Rasala 31 Chester Square, London SW I......

The Spanish Labyrinth

Sir: To question a review seems like arguing with the umpire, and to cavil at one which was favourable in a number of ways is Pro - bably churlish. But I cannot restrain laY......


Gore in the ring Sir: Mr Vidal's pages of complaint about his English critics (23 October) are marked by the dishonesty, disingenuousness, silli- ness and vulgar nastiness that......

Debatable Points

Sir: I cannot quarrel with your opening comments on the Oxford Union debate (Notebook, 16 October) in which I was privileged to speak against you last Mon- day. I'm afraid it......

Sir: To Find Umpteen Columns Of The Spectator Blank And

gone Would be even trister than ces tristes pluies d'automne. But I'd rather they were filled with nothing at all Than the tedious grouchings of Mr Gore Vidal. And some of us......