30 SEPTEMBER 1955, page 28

Country Life

BY IAN NIALL Accourrrs of stoats and weasels hunting in packs have always been prevalent, and I have seen families of weasels at it many times. They have a mad moment or two......

Eel Flamm A South Wales Friend Had Not Long Before

told me how eels used to be caught with a bundle of worms on a hookless line, when I carne across a similar method in The Driffield Angler, an old book packed with sporting......

Americans Are People. By Gerry Neyroud. (herbert Jenkins,...

AMERICANS are friendly; their fried food is awful; San Francisco is beautiful; highway signs are not. This is the range of Mr. Ney- roud's gestures as a social critic, and his......


BY PHILIDOR No. 17. F. GAMAGE WHITE, 9 men. No one in the world can play more beautiful games than Korea; when at his best he is a perfect stylist and, like all stylists in all......

New Novels

THE INHERITORS. By William Golding. (Faber, 12s. 6d.) WHEN a first novel shows extraordinary originality, it appears— and, of course, it is—unrepeatable. People wonder what on......

Geranium Care

Geraniums are one of the most popular bedding plants and among the easiest to propagate. The great danger to both cuttings and established plants is frost, although almost as......

A Mad Hewer

The conversation was evidently on the sub- ject of bulls and their temperament, and I listened to two accounts of narrow escapes from mad bulls before the little man spoke up.......