31 AUGUST 1907, page 16

[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]

Sin,—A correspondent has asked me for particulars as to how the change of time was effected in New South Wales and Cape Colony. The methods adopted at the Cape were as follows.......

Photographing Wounded Animals.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...1 SIR,—May I be allowed through the columns of your paper to protest against the habit lately come into vogue of photo- graphing wounded......

The Waste Of Daylight.

(TO TUE EDITOR OF THE -sescra.rea.i SIE,—You can see the west face of the church clock at 6 o'clock early in February even on the Moray Firth. Why not begin by adding ten......


FOX AND LANDOR.* THE existence in a private library of the solitary remaining copy of an early work by Walter Savage Lander has long been known, and we owe it to the public......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator.']

SIR,—Greenwich Observatory, which gives us our time, being situated near the Eastern side of Great Britain, the plan for the better utilisation of our daylight which has lately......


A SOU'-WEST STORM. FROM the brooding gloom of the wild Sou'-West The scuttering black duck come, While the wheeling mallards drop in to rest In the whispering sedge where they......